New Children’s Book Highlights the Plight of the Critically Endangered Regent Honeyeater
New Children’s Book Highlights the Plight of the Critically Endangered Regent Honeyeater and Celebrates the Beauty of Australia’s Box-Ironbark Woodlands

One Lonely Little Bird
Recently, I had the absolute privilege of seeing my first Regent Honeyeater in the wild. This little bird is incredibly significant. He is one of fewer than 200 to 300 Regent Honeyeaters left in the wild, and he was found thousands of kilometres from the last stronghold of the species in the Lower Hunter Valley. But he was also particularly special to me on a very personal level.

The Greater Glider: Gliding, Fluffy and Gorgeous!
Greater gliders are uniquely Australian, gliding marsupials that live in hollows in tall eucalypt trees. I’m starting the week with some interesting greater glider facts to share with your friends, family or school.

10 bilby facts to share with your class or family this Easter
As super-charged-burrow-builders, bilbies help turn the soil, decompose leaf litter and provide homes for other small animals. They are also a uniquely Australian Easter mascot. Here are 10 bilby facts to share with your class or family this Easter
Why, in Australia, it should be Bilbies not Bunnies this Easter.
I see the bilby as a mascot for all our small ground dwelling mammals, that have disappeared, and are continuing to disappear, from our landscape. It is time we gave them the public profile they deserve. If our children grow up with stories and narratives that foster a connection with our unique wildlife, our native animals will have future advocates. A perfect way to do this is by championing the Easter bilby.