Sunny Finds His Song


Sunny Finds His Song is now available for pre-order. We expect to have copies in our hands in 6 to 8 weeks, just in time for Book Week!

Sunny is a lonely Regent Honeyeater.

Yearning for others of his kind, he searches high and low but cannot find them.

In the recent past, Sunny’s kin travelled in flocks and the blossom-filled woodlands echoed with their song. Now only fragments of woodland remain, and the songbirds are gone.

One day, Sunny hears a unique melody full of hope. Will Sunny find what he is looking for?

A lyrical story of loss and longing, finding your flock, and maybe . . . even love.

Written by Cate Storey and Penny Watson, and stunningly illustrated by Sarah Matsuda, this beautiful book is rich with the colours and textures of the Australian bush.

Non-fiction information follows the main narrative, along with other examples of species that benefit from the protection of box-ironbark woodlands, with images annotated with their common and scientific names.

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While light-hearted and fun, The Perfect Hollow – A Greater Glider Story, is also gently educational, introducing children to the importance of quality habitat and tree hollow homes.

The endangered Greater Glider is just one of over one hundred Australian mammal species that use tree hollows for homes. Tree hollows also provide homes for over ninety Australian reptiles and over thirty Australian frog species. More than one hundred Australian birds nest and raise young in tree hollows. Both adults and children can learn from the range of wildlife, annotated with their common and scientific names, hiding in tree hollows at the end of the book.

ISBN: 9780645370812


260mm X 260mm edge to edge illustrations